2024台北國際電玩展Taipei Game Show一日參觀劵ONE-DAY PASS

  • 2024/01/25(周四) 09:00(+0800) ~ 2024/01/28(周日) 17:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • 台北南港展覽館1館 / 台北市南港區經貿二路1號
  • 台北市電腦公會 (Taipei Computer Association) 聯絡主辦單位

2024台北國際電玩展Taipei Game Show


【兌換入場QR Code / Converting Admission QR Code


【基本資訊 Information

1.      活動名稱:2024Taipei Game Show 台北國際電玩展

2.      活動時間:2024/01/25(四)-2024/01/28(日) 09:00-17:00

3.      活動地點:台北南港展覽館1 (台北市南港區經貿二路1)

4.      主辦單位:台北市電腦商業同業公會

1.      Event: 2024Taipei Game Show

2.      Date: 25th -28th ,January, 2024

3.     Venue: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1(No. 1, Jingmao 2nd Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei )

4.      Organizer: Taipei Computer Association


【兌換方式 Instruction

(兌換期限至 2024/1/24 23:59)

1.      在此網頁最下方點選下一步。

2.      選擇一日參觀劵ONE-DAY PASS一張並輸入邀請碼後點選下一步。

3.      填妥姓名、Email及手機後點選確認表單資料送出。

4.      訂單確認完成後將會出現特定QR Code,並寄出確認信。

5.      請於2024/01/25-28期間任選一日入場。

QR Code請妥善保管,一個QR Code只供入場一次,當日可憑手章重複入場。

(Converting is due by 24th January.  23:59)

(Please select English as the language at the bottom of this page.)

1.      Click Next Step at the bottom of this page.

2.      Add one on the One-Day Pass and enter the invitation code, then click Next Step.

3.      Fill out the form with your Name, Email, and Phone Number, then click Confirm Form.

4.      The QR Code will be shown on the page if the order is succeed, and the confirmation letter will also be sent to your email.

5.      Please enter the event venue on any given day from 25th January to 28th January 2024.

Please keep the QR Code safe, each QR Code can only be valid for once. Reentering is free of charge on the same day by showing the admitted stamp on the back of your hand.


 【注意事項 Notices

1.      本票劵兌換時間:即日起至2024/01/24 23:59,務必在期限內兌換完成。

2.      持本票券可於2024/01/25-1/28任選一日入場2024台北國際電玩展玩家區全區。

3.      票劵僅限一人單次使用,並請妥善保管,若發生遺失、損毀等情形,視為無效票劵,一概不予退換或補發。

4.      展覽規定以現場公告為主,各項展品設施如有損壞事宜,需照額賠償。

5.      請遵守參觀秩序,避免發生推擠、踩踏等危險行為,且不可攜帶危險物品。

6.      上述事項若有未盡事宜,主辦單位保留活動之解釋權利,活動訊息請上【官網】或 FB粉絲團[台北國際電玩展]

1.      Please converting the ONE-DAY PASS before 23:59pm on 24th January.

2.      Visitor is able to enter the B2C Zone of 2024 Taipei Game Show on any given day from 25th to 28th January.

3.      The ONE-DAY PASS is only used by one person once. Please keep it safe, the ONE-DAY PASS will be invalid if damaged and will not be reissue if lost. The ONE-DAY PASS is only used by one person once.

          Please keep it safe, the ONE-DAY PASS will be invalid if damaged and will not be reissue if lost.

4.      The regulations of the event are based on on-site announcements. If exhibits and venue equipment are damaged, compensation is required.

5.      Please follow the visiting order. Avoid dangerous behaviors such as pushing, and stepping on, and do not carry any dangerous goods.

6.      The organizer reserves the right to interpret the event if there are any outstanding issues in the above matters.

         Please visit the official website https://tgs.tca.org.tw or our Facebook page[@taipeigameshow] for further information.


台北南港展覽館1館 / 台北市南港區經貿二路1號


票種 販售時間 售價

2023/12/13 09:00(+0800) ~ 2024/01/24 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費